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    A TypeScript utility library designed to optimize for programmer happiness.

    NOTES: If you want to add a new methods, make sure it will be used on both the client and the server side. Any methods that will only used in a browser or NodeJS environment should not be added here.

    You could directly use @pleisto/active-support instead of lodash and lodash-es.

    import { differenceBy, zip, isString } from '@pleisto/active-support'

    If some of the methods in lodash do not exist in @pleisto/active-support, it is because the are natively supported in modern ECMAScript. see YOU MIGHT NOT NEED LODASH for more information.

    import { ms } from '@pleisto/active-support';
    ms('2 days') // 172800000
    ms('2.5 h') // 9000000
    ms('-3 days) // -259200000
    ms('-200') // -200
    ms(60000) // '1m'
    ms(ms('10 hours)) // '10h'
    ms(6000, { long: true }) // '1 minute'
    ms(2*6000, { long: true }) // '2 minutes'

    see vercel/ms for more information.

    import { byteSize } from '@pleisto/active-support'
    byteSize('3 mb') // 24_000_000
    byteSize('2 Gigabytes') // 16_000_000_000
    byteSize(32_000_000) // '4 MB'


    We use base 10 instead of base 2 for bit. See IEC 60027-2 A.2 and ISO/IEC 80000 for more information.

    You could use most of the type checking utilities in lodash directly, such as isString, isEmpty and isBuffer. In addition we support methods such as isUUID nad isBlack. See src/isType.ts for more information.

    isBlack method could be used to check if any value is empty or undefined/null, just as it does in Ruby on Rails.

    import { pluralize, singularize } from '@pleisto/active-support'

    pluralize('word') // 'words'
    pluralize('datum') // 'data'
    singularize('quizzes') // 'quiz'
    singularize('news') // 'news'
    singularize('are') // 'is'
    import { ok, err } from '@pleisto/active-support'

    // something awesome happend

    const yesss = ok(someAesomeValue)

    // moments later ...

    const mappedYes = yesss.map(doingSuperUsefulStuff)

    // neverthrow uses type-guards to differentiate between Ok and Err instances
    // Mode info: https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/advanced-types.html#type-guards-and-differentiating-types
    if (mappedYes.isOk()) {
    // using type guards, we can access an Ok instance's `value` field
    } else {
    // because of type guards
    // typescript knows that mappedYes is an Err instance and thus has a `error` field

    See neverthrow for more information.

    import { match, P } from '@pleisto/active-support'

    type Data =
    | { type: 'text'; content: string }
    | { type: 'img'; src: string };

    type Result =
    | { type: 'ok'; data: Data }
    | { type: 'error'; error: Error };

    const result: Result = ...;

    return match(result)
    .with({ type: 'error' }, () => `<p>Oups! An error occured</p>`)
    .with({ type: 'ok', data: { type: 'text' } }, (res) => `<p>${res.data.content}</p>`)
    .with({ type: 'ok', data: { type: 'img', src: P.select() } }, (src) => `<img src=${src} />`)

    See ts-pattern for more information.

    Converts an array of items with ids and parent ids to a nested tree in a performant way (time complexity O(n)).

    Se Performant array to tree for more information.

    The fastest deep equal with ES6 Map, Set and Typed arrays support. Based on fast-deep-equal/es6/react