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    Function shape

    • P.shape(somePattern) lets you call methods like .optional(), .and, .or and .select() On structural patterns, like objects and arrays.

      Read the documentation for P.shape on GitHub

      Type Parameters

      • input
      • const pattern extends
            | undefined
            | null
            | string
            | number
            | bigint
            | boolean
            | symbol
            | readonly []
            | readonly [unknown, unknown]
            | readonly [unknown, unknown]
            | UnknownProperties
            | UnknownMatcher
            | readonly UnknownPattern[]
            | readonly [UnknownPattern, UnknownPattern]
            | readonly [UnknownPattern, UnknownPattern]
            | PatternMatcher<input>
            | {
                readonly [k in string | number | symbol]?: Pattern.Pattern<
                                readonly any[]
                                | Primitives
                                | Map<any, any>
                                | Set<any>,


      Returns Chainable<GuardP<input, InvertPattern<pattern, input>>>

      state: P.shape({ status: "success" }).optional().select()
      (state) => 'match the success state, or undefined.'